Reviews of ADT Head Office Midrand, Contact Details, Complaints

Here you will find reviews about ADT Head Office Midrand, Contact Details, Complaints. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
63 Reviews
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Good day to all I must say the type of service I received from ADT is the worst I have ever had with a security company as I arrange they come to my work premises and cancel some remotes add new ones and they did after almost 2 weeks the day they finished they did not test any thing but said all ok the alarm did not work I called the next working day and git hold of consultant Tyrone who said they could only come after a fews day which would be Monday as a business this was not acceptable and I informed this would be accepted he then promised he would sent the tech. out later that day and I called after a few hours to confirm and again said he would send some one out and this has not happened and how does he expect a business to be safe over a weekend with no alarm and he did not care I was his customer and just lied about the fact his tech would be coming to me later the day .The call centre also could not help as I complained with them and they supposedly contacted the tech and the tech said she would call me and still no call .I think all the extra security I had to hire I should invoice to ADt for their negligence . I will also be requesting my company look at another service provider as this company does not take care of the customers needs .
It amazes me they are still in business. I called and sent an email to get a quote for an alarm installation and 10 days later still no response.... I hope the reaction service is faster than the customer service...
This company sucks, they will steal your money.
ADT it has been over a month since you have taken over my contract my the previous security company and still cannot get the basics right. I trust that someone would care enough after reading this review to contact me sort out this mess. You have installed locks on my gate at my premises to ensure easier access when called out which I have paid for. Up to this very day, your control room and reaction unit can not communicate effectively with each other. Every single time more than 30 minutes later your reaction officers are still trying to gain access to my property because they either can't find the key or are unaware that they even have a key. I have had a conversation with a few of what I was told were senior staff and management and it would never happen again! But guess what this morning exactly the same thing! Nokwazi in the control room and easily say...sorry I made a mistake. Unacceptable!!!! How many times will you say sorry for jeopardizing my family's safety. I pay you religiously every single month however I have not had ANY service from you! Sort this out or refund me for every single month I have paid you since inception!!!! Extremely fed up and frustrated!
good day, i booked an appointment with a agent named Carren Pilay on Saturday the 14/05/2016 at 12pm however the agent did not turn up. I still await feedback on why she did not turn up. i also booked with Alarm net to experience the difference of services render, ADT YOU ARE ALREADY PERFORMING POORLY. I await feedback from a senior manager.
Stay away from ADT, the service stays terrible
ADT's management are inaccessible and are most definitely not service driven. I have had the misfortune of dealing with their lower echelons of their management (because I could not reach anyone higher up) and can say without any fear of contradiction that in my experience they made unfounded statements without getting their facts together and were downright untruthful. My recommendation is that if you have an alternative security company in your area, try them.
I agree, stay away from ADT
I am entirely disillusioned with ADT and will never make use of their services again. I'm currently on 'monitoring' only. My home was burgled last week. Phoned ADT to upgrade to 'armed response' on Friday 18 March. Informed that in order to upgrade I'd have to be visited by an ADT representative and the earliest available date was after the long weekend on Tuesday 22 March. Thanks ADT! Much appreciated! Very helpful!

I have been a client of ADT for years. I find myself in a potentially life-threatening situation with a chance of the burglars returning and my security company won't assist me. Spoke with supervisor Kabelo who would 'see what he could do and phone back.' Needless to say I'm still waiting for that call from my 'security' company.

Like all big outfits these days you can't speak to anyone in management, let alone contact a director. You're at the mercy of a problem-deflecting call centre and systems that, as exemplified by this example, make it quite clear that the interests and indeed safety of the client is little more than a meaningless cliché and nice-sounding advertising-speak. If I am killed in my sleep this weekend, Kabelo, I trust it won't cause you any discomfort or inconvenience. I'm actually more than 'disillusioned' and perhaps 'disgusted' is closer to the mark.

No doubt a complete waste of my time writing this but there it is for whatever it may be worth.

Very poor service received in my hour of need. My alarm was trigerred at around 00H10. No response from ADT. I called the Technical dept. Ref. ********K (Jennifer)promised to get technician to call me. ADT was not receiving signal. This placed my property and family at risk. Some 18 hours later no one from your company has called. I tried calling with my complaint and was rudely cut off by your staff member (Merle). Still made 3 more attempts to contact your company for a response. Still waitin. This after you are deducting money from my account for a service YOU promissed to provide! Shocking!
The most pathetic service ihave ever received. I have waited 7 days for a manager to call me back, and to date nothing. I had to call again to terminate the system, due to no help.Its as if the call centre is doing the public a favour by sitting there and taking calls and making people hold on forever, wasting their airtime. This clearly shows that ADT does not care about their people's/Clients safety, only their money. I have today sent an email to cancel and received another email to state that someone will phone me back, when, nobody knows.i have spoken to Bongani/Sabelo/Sizwe and Tsidi-Team Leader - nobody could help
Hi - In desperation I write this review. My message is that you CANNOT TRUST ADT as their installation team TOTALLY UNRELIABLE. Currently, I am vulnerable at home thanks to the ADT PIetermaritzburg's incompetence in keeping to commitments. Ordering many months back; booking weeks in advance did not assist at all, still totally unreliable resulting in me having to take off multiple days at work; and most of the time the team was a no show - a total joke. Speaking directly to the Technical Manager from Pietermaritzburg (Shawn) did not result in the job being completed - bottom line - I am still not secure, due to the finishing off building work at home that was committed to and trusting that ADT would fulfill their commitment - obviously NOT FULFILLED. Unfortunately, currently for me this company should be called "ADT INSECURITY".....Possibly this message will be responded too......
I am frustrated beyond belief. I receive regular SMSs about testing an alarm, and for late payments, and get alarm calls at night, for an account that is no longer my responsibility. I gave ample notice before I leaving the company I worked for, and it is more than a year since I left. I have SMSed ADT, eMailed them and phoned them countless times, to no avail. They are clearly unable to maintain their database. Good luck to anyone who continues to use them. They might be international, but their record keeping is incompetent. If only I could get the eMail or contact details of their CEO..... but what's the use. You know the story - a fish rots from the head.....

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