Reviews of ADT Head Office Midrand, Contact Details, Complaints

Here you will find reviews about ADT Head Office Midrand, Contact Details, Complaints. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
63 Reviews
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ONE OF THE WORST SERVICES I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED! and one of the most unprofessional employees such as Bonnie the line manager form the technical department. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FIRE THIS MAN
ADT Account
On the 29 Aug 2017, I signed a contract with Dean for a 24 month ADT .I had to then follow up a few days later for an email addy so that I can send relevant information required. The information was sent immediately.
The Alarm was scheduled to be installed by Saturday 9 Sep 2017. I availed myself for the day, but nobody arrived.
I then send a message today and then Dean advises that the paperwork was not handled and processed by admin correctly, and will only be processed today. 14 Sep 2017 .Still no date of installation has been given.

I have since made other arrangement to secure my property, and kindly request that the contract be annulled and cancelled with immediate effect.

Worst service from any company i've ever dealt with. Stay away from ADT!!!!
Bungling of accounts that a 5 year old could figure out and zero service levels.
Being a single mom living in a stand alone I am shocked to read such negative reviews about the service received from ADT. I have been a client of ADT for 7 years. in this period I have had a couple of break-in into my house and yard. ADT always maintained that they sent a response team within 3 minutes and the perpetrators were never apprehended by ADT. The perpetrators were able to steal items and get away. I could never in the life of me figure out how is it possible that perpetrators can enter premises and walk away with goods under 3 minutes. Yesterday afternoon, I triggered the beans and opened the house without deactivating the alarm. I then proceeded to deactivate the alarm inside the house. It took ADT 3 minutes to phone me informing me of the alarm activation. which means that it takes ADT 3 minutes to call the customer and it takes ADT another 3 minutes to send a response team to your premises, in total this adds up to a total of 6 minutes that robbers have in your house before ADT arrives. ADT 6 minutes response has cost me close to R50 000 apart from the monthly fees they charge. The prices of armed response have escalated enormously since I have been with them and low and behold the service has deteriorated. I rarely see an ADT patrol car in my area. The last time I had a break in my premises was on the 25 March 2017. which has impacted my insurance claim fee period. I would like at senior manager to contact me as soon as possible because clearly i am not getting the protection that it promises.
I paid $600 for the hardware and a week later in the mail got a coupon for $500 which ADT would not honor. I have paid them $41.99 for 5.5 years and then they lowered the rate to $29.99 but never informed me. The ADT has a cell tower to connect to them and yet the ADT installers demanded that I had to use a landline. There is cell phone energy/access in my home but evidently ADT goes with the cheaper cell service. It costs me an additional $25/month so they can save some money on their end. I have paid them literally thousands of dollars and then they have the audacity to demand that when I cancel their service they demand an additional month payment. I do not want their service any more and yet they demand to charge me for service I refuse to use. I will be sending the BBB a complaint.....and why isn't this company's headquarters located in the US rather than S. Africa.
Oops! This doesn't work: ADT will always be there for you, will always stand beside you, will always be there to watch over you and yours. I would like to escalate a problem I've been having with ADT since January 18th this year. I'm really concerned that I entrust you with my security. Please give me the details of a customer service SENIOR manager who can be relied on to attend to an issue. I see from other reviews that I'm not alone, which is scant comfort.
Dear Grimalkin ,

Kindly assist and furnish ADT with your residential address and contact details in order for us to retrieve the correct account/profile and arrange accordingly.

Yolisa Shobede
Customer Services ADT.
For many years I am a customer of ADT, but never had to make use of the services.

Now that I need the services it is worst that government or municipal services!

I got home on Saturday 4 March 2017. The alarm was on but I could not deactivate it. When I opened the door the alarm went off and could not be deactivated at all! I had to disconnect power and battery. The same happened every time I activated. I phoned ADT and the person said they will let the technicians know to come out.

On Monday morning still no reaction. I phoned and talked to Kelvin who said ADT technician can only come out on Wednesday. In the mean time I will be away again From tomorrow, Tuesday 05:00, for another week.

Kelvin told me that a technician can be send out today but then it will cost R880.20 in stead of R530.00! This is abusing clients!!!!

If this is the best service ADT can give I will have to change to another service provider!
I have been an ADT client for a number of years and have always had a good response whenever the alarm at my house was activated. It should also be noted that I live alone in my house.
Towards the end of April 2016 I had a break-in at my house in the early hours of the morning. Fortunately when the criminals entered my house the alarm was activated and they ran away without taking anything. This incident led me to take advise from an ADT consultant regarding setting up beams outside my house at all the entrances so that it would not be possible to break through any of the gates and doors to my house again. Obviously I requested that an alarm would be activated as soon as anyone from outside would try to come through any doorway into my house. On the advise of the ADT sales consultant I implemented the beams and felt safe at night again. I was guaranteed that there would be an alarm activation whenever someone approaches my doors or tried to open it from the outside when it was activated.
Towards the end of December I advised the ADT call centre that I was going on an overseas holiday and that they should contact a nominated person if there is any emergency at my house.
During the time I was gone the alarm was activated on almost a daily basis and sometimes three and four times in one day and it was obvious that there was something wrong. What frustrated me the most was that ADT was phoning friends and family of mine from all over the country to advise them of the alarm activations (no matter what time of the night). They never took note of the nominated person whose information I provided on the day I advised them that I was going away on holiday. All the alarm activations and calls to irrelevant persons caused me a lot of embarrassment.
On my arrival back from holiday I got an ADT technician out to advise what the issue was. He swopped the beams around and the problem seemed to be sorted. My biggest concern was that he took the 90 degree beam that covered the back door where the previous break-in occurred and replaced it with a beam that didn't cover such a big area. For the next two weeks I kept on phoning people at the technical department of ADT, but never got any responses even though I left messages and was told that I was going to receive call backs. During this time on 13 February 2017 at about 3:00AM criminals managed to break the lock of my house' safety gate and managed to gain entrance through the sliding doors into my house, despite that there was a beam implemented right on the locks . Even though the alarm on the inside of my house was activated when entrance was gained the criminals still came in an stole my big screen TV with its remote and the remote to my blu-ray player.
ADT security took a few minutes to get to my house and I was shocked when the security guard showed me that the beam at the door where the break-in occurred was dysfunctional. He requested me to re-activate the beams outside and I was surprised to see that the beam at the door did not pick up anything.
Later the morning I phone the technicians to inform them that I had a break-in at my house and also left a message for their supervisor to contact me. The supervisor never contacted me, but I was contacted by Kobus (manager) who made arrangements to come to my house with the technician who made the swops of the beams at my house previously.
On ADT's arrival at my house the same day I told Kobus that I keep ADT responsible for the break-in and that I was looking at another service provider and that I want a full refund on all the beams that were implemented around my house.
He accepted responsibility from ADT's side and offered a free upgrade on the placing of the beam where the entrance is where the break-in occurred and five months free service. All I had to do was to dig a ditch from the side of my house to a point indicated in my garden where ADT would then erect a pole on where they would fix the beam onto. Kobus undertook to send me an email on the same day to confirm the five months free service. I was subsequently advised that ADT is not able to provide me with five months free service but it was reduced to three months free service. I never received the email to date. The excess to replace my lock was R1 500.00 and the excess to replace the stolen goods was R1 500.00 that ads up to R3 000.00. The three months free service ads up to roughly R1 500.00. For a company that excepted responsibility I find it exceptionally poor that I am not getting a full compensation.
On 15 February I arranged for the ditch to be dug. Kobus informed me later that he was having problems with obtaining a quote for the pole and that caused a delay. Subsequently ADT informed me that they were ready to set up the pole on Monday 27 February, but I could only let them do it on the Wednesday as this is the only day my helper is there. I arranged for someone to cover the ditch after the implementation, but on the morning I was advised by Louie that the technician who was suppose to do the work was off sick. I arranged and paid a person to cover the ditch.
On 01 March 2017 I noticed that ADT deducted its service fee for March. I immediately phoned the technicians office as I needed to query the deduction from Kobus. Sizwe assisted me as Kobus was not available. He told me that it was a fault on their side and that they would seize to withdraw payments from my account for April, May and June. He also undertook to confirm this in an email, but to date I have not received any confirmation. I also requested him to make their supervisors details available in the email as I have previously left a message for him, but he never contacted be back.
Today I phoned Siswe and left a message for him to contact me. He never called me back, but I was fortunate enough to get hold of him the second time I phoned. He advised that he could not confirm the non-payment of services via email as he was just e junior and was still waiting for the email. I requested the details of the CEO as I was sick and tired of dealing with ADT personnel who could not assist me. He provided me with Stuart Clarkson's name as the CEO of ADT, but refused to provide me with his email address. He only provided me with the call centre no. I called the call centre but was also advised that there is no way I can make contact with the CEO. I was advised to send email to the call centre.
At this point in time I don't trust anyone in the ADT employ anymore, hence the reason for my request to make contact with the CEO.
The absolute worst service from ADT. Firstly they tell me I am unable to get out of my contract unless I pay for the remaining months even when there is an exit clause in the contract. Secondly they have entered me into a new contract which I did not agree to, I moved with an existing contract, signed moving forms but they just restarted the contract, I even have emails stating that it's a move and now a new contract and them agreeing. This is a whole lot of deception and I will be taking it up with the relevant bodies, I will not be crooked
Received the worst service from ADT Cape Town today and its not for the first time. I received a call informing me of an alarm activition at my house at 14:21 today and after waiting more than 2 hours, yes TWO HOURS, for feedback, i called the control room and was told that no feed back has been received from the armed response company. My question is, dont the conrtol room contact the armed response company for feed back if they dont receive any after a certain amount of time? Do they just let it go and leave things as it is and wait for the paying customer to contact the control room for feed back??????
This is shocking service from ADT and i will be cancelling my contract.

63 results