IT Support Business for sale

IT Support Business for sale
About the product
The business is a fully fledged IT Support and Hosting company with 300 customers, where they do mail hosting, web hosting, support, back up, and all things IT. The Companies top 5 customers boast 3 international operations as well as all over South Africa. The company’s website is an active sales tool where customers can purchase services directly.

Opened in 2010 this business has grown to be a stand alone operation and needs full time Management.

The business operates remotely in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg.

The staff operate off site from their customers and have remote access to all servers, user’s and head offices.

Ideally a cash purchase will be preferred, however the seller is not against finance. There are no franchise fees involved. It is purely a take over. The Seller will if required remain on for a period to hand over and or be a shareholder in the business.
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