The ActionCOACH formula of “6-Steps to Building a Better Biz

About the product
According to the “Five Ways” of ActionCOACH, business is driven by five key profit-generating areas: Lead generation, Conversion rate, Average Rand sale, Average Number of transactions and Profit Margins. ActionCOACH gives owners a new perspective on business – and equips them with the tools that positively impact each variable of the above equation.
Much of the business improvement is achieved through the implementation of the proven strategies embodied in the ActionCOACH Six-Step model.
“taking your business from Chaos to Control”

Destination mastery defines where you are now and where you want to be. Only then can we build a business plan that makes sense for both the owner and the business. I will help you establish again the reason why you went into business in the first place.
The most important aspect of your business: building a foundation to get to profit. Profit margins, reporting, cash flow and budgets – most business owners avoid getting a good understanding of those numbers and processes. We work on creating a niche, identifying your unique selling proposition resulting in building a predictable cash flow.
The business owner learns how to take control of the time they spend working IN the business. By leveraging on team, systems and procedures the business becomes more efficient which in turn allows the owner time away from the business to spend more time with the important people in their lives.
Consistency is the heart of building a great service reputation. Here we ask a few questions: Can customers get what they are paying for? Can they get it on time? Are they getting the quality they are paying for? Is the business delivery at all levels consistent?

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