Psychotherapy / Counselling

Psychotherapy / Counselling
About the product
• Anxiety disorders (e.g., Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / PTSD, Panic, Generalised Anxiety Disorder/GAD, Social Anxiety, Phobias and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/OCD).
• Mood disorders (e.g., Depression, Bipolar Spectrum, etc.).
• Trauma counselling (e.g., after vehicle accidents, or crime-related incidents such as hijackings, muggings, home invasions, robberies, etc.). Individual and group post-trauma counselling is offered.
• Individual counselling to facilitate adjustment to significant life events, crises and life transitions (e.g., ending of a relationship/marriage, losing or changing job, death of a loved one, developing a serious illness, being a victim of a crime, and undergoing a major life change such as getting married, having a baby, or retiring from a job.
• Individual counselling for interpersonal/relationship difficulties (but excluding couple/family counselling).
• Individual counselling for adult survivors of various forms of childhood abuse (e.g., physical, verbal, sexual, emotional).
• Recovery for "Adult Children" (adult survivors) of alcoholic and other dysfunctional families (ACA/ACoA), with a focus on relationship difficulties and unhelpful relationship patterns (but excluding couple/family counselling).
• Loss and bereavement counselling.
• Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselling.
• Personal growth and development. (Note: students / interns in the helping professions are eligible for reduced rates available on request and proof of registration).

Please note: While I do regularly work with clients in individual counselling on problems and difficulties concerning their relationships and families, I do not offer on-going couple or family counselling. If you need this type of specialised counselling, I am able to refer you to experienced psychologists who have specialised in this field. I generally only work with adult clients, although I do enjoy working with adolescents with anxiety disorders.
Available on request
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