Dropshipping Pursuit 2.0

Dropshipping Pursuit 2.0
About the product
Dropshipping Pursuit 2.0 is a detailed step by step online course for anyone with the willingness to learn how to start drop shipping successfully in South Africa. This course was designed with intent to address all the major issues that South African drop shippers face, thanks to the extensive experience by the course instructor, myself Sylvester Buti. Beginners will appreciate the step by step approach we take and the fundamentals of a e-commerce website setup. The more advanced people will also appreciate the advanced facebook marketing module.

At the end of this course, you will have a fully functional dropshipping store that will supplement your income. Using the strategies we teach, you will be able to scale your business to 6 figure revenue. If I can do it, anybody can do it. Regardless of your education level, if you have basic english understanding you will be able to nail it.

In Addition to all the modules and suppliers, if you have any struggles at any point… We offer extensive support and hand holding mentor-ship approach. So, what are you waiting for?

This is for all drop shipping enthusiasts and anyone with the will to acquire skills to become successful in e-commerce. You do not need any prior e-commerce experience and you do not need prior technical experience. All you need is the willingness to learn and become part of our drop shipping community.

As much as the course is detailed, we also want to give you first hand mentor-ship. Get weekly mentor-ship calls for free to help you with any difficulties or advise that you may need.
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