In vitro fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization (IVF)
About the product
Research has shown that many couples are uncertain and afraid of initiating infertility treatment. Fears about treatment are often based on out-dated or erroneous information. Fertility treatment is a safe and effective way of achieving a pregnancy.
Recent improvements in medication, micro-surgery and advanced fertility treatments have made healthy pregnancy a possibility for the patients who seek expert infertility advice. There are a number of assisted reproduction treatments available at RHINO FERTILITY CLINIC and we will propose the one that best suits your medical situation, having in the front of our minds your safety as well as cost – effectiveness.

Evaluation & Treatment services
We offer full-service evaluation and treatment for couples experiencing infertility. If the problem involves male factors such as low sperm count or impaired sperm quality, we work with urologists to help correct the problem. We do not offer routine gynaecological or obstetrical care. We focus all our efforts on assisting you in achieving pregnancy. Once your pregnancy has reached the 12th week, we ask you to see an obstetrician for prenatal care and delivery.
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