Cellulite Removal

About the product
Tired of false promises by spa's and clinics offering many treatment sessions?

Well now launched in Africa is VaserSmooth which takes 20 minutes to remove your cellulite and smooth out your skin in ONE procedure.

VASERsmooth utilizes ultrasound power to break down fatty tissue, making it easier to pass through tubes and out of the body. While traditional liposuction uses aggressive techniques like pummeling to find and emulsify fat, VASER Liposelection uses a non-mechanical power to make the process speedier and less aggressive on fragile nerves and tissue.

And unlike non-surgical body contouring procedures, VASERsmooth can remove substantial amounts of fat from nearly anywhere on the body: abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, and more. The new tool cuts away at fibrous tissue that can cause rippling, dimples, and the otherwise uneven look that sometimes results from liposuction.

VASERsmooth also makes the liposuction process more efficient by clearing away tissue for an unblocked path of fat removal.
From R10,000
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