Product Promotion Video

Product Promotion Video
About the product
When searching online for products and services, customers expect a more interactive experience.

Their main goal is to understand what a product or a service is really about and how it works.

A comprehensive product promotion video, also called "How to video" in specific cases, gives customers a virtual experience about a new or existing product/service. The video allows them to be familiar with it and to clearly identify all its benefits.

A product video has a huge impact on the consumer’s purchases because they can easily evaluate products and services over the internet.

Surveys demonstrate that 90% of connected consumers watch at least some video content over the Internet. The penetration rate is greater than traditional medias.

Creating a product or service promotion video is the ultimate solution to introduce your products and services to a wide audience. It reduces the gap of the decision factor and improves your conversion rate.

With great content, customers will ultimately become the first promoters of your brand.

They will share your videos within their own network.
From R50 000
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