Custom Training Programs

Custom Training Programs
About the product
Custom Training Programs

It's all about you.

Custom Programs are fantastic because they are:

Goal Directed: Programs are prescribed based on your current fitness levels. Re-testing every 6 to 8 weeks allows for continual adaption, avoidance of injury and sickness and performance plateaus.
Focused: The programs are focussed on your goals and scheduled around your life.
You get Feedback and Advice: Weekly feedback is given based on completion of the previous week's training.
Updated regularly: Future training blocks are prescribed following weekly discussions and evaluations of fatigue levels. Training Zones are specific to you, based on the results of regular test sessions.

Your Training program is always with you. Constant feedback and advice from our coaches
Custom Training Programs include an initial Test Wee, blocks of Training Weeks, pre-race Taper Week(s) and a post-race Recovery Week. Custom Training Programs also include Re-testing, Strength and Flexibility testing with recommendations and additions to your program.

The programs are structured according to current training methods and are periodised in terms of volume and intensity. The training sessions are fun, but challenging. Your Training Program can be changed weekly depending on your recorded daily metrics and training hours for both. Training weeks can be customised to accommodate Work and Family commitments.
In the Test Week, we will calculate your personal Heart Rate Training Zones, Paces and or Power zones based on the results you send us and how you prefer to measure your training.

Upload your training files from your GPS, Heart Rate Monitor or mobile app to compare if what you accomplished matches the program.
Are you ahead? Are you behind? Do we need to make changes?

Capture your daily fitness data and visually review your fitness gains.
Keep a check on your sleep quantity and quality vs. your training load.
from R800
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