Nutrition Consultations

Nutrition Consultations
About the product
Individual consultations at Nutritional Solutions consist of the following three components below:

Initial consultation: This is a 1 hour and 20 minute consultation. It includes a nutritional assessment with a detailed examination of the individual’s lifestyle and eating habits, measurement of weight, height, body mass index and waist circumference, medical history and family medical history. This will be followed by an individualised nutrition education that assists individuals to understand the following key concepts; the physiology of their condition and how it impacts their health, food classification, metabolic functions of food and the nutrition principles to treat and manage underlying disease conditions.

Second consultation: This consultation is 20 minutes long and will be scheduled 2 – 3 days after the initial consultation. The dietitian will develop an individualised eating plan, 7 day cycle menu, dietary guidelines, appropriate recipes and shopping lists that will be presented to the individual at this consultation. The meal plans are specially designed to take into account individual lifestyle and dietary requirements so that the plan is both manageable and sustainable.

Follow-up / monitoring consultations: These consultations are recommended to help improve the implementation of the lifestyle and dietary changes recommended by the dietitian. During these consultations, individuals will be weighed and food records will be evaluated and discussed, and new goals will be set. Research has found that follow-up appointments are essential to keep individuals motivated. Furthermore, follow-up monitoring and support assists individuals in finding solutions to barriers of compliance that ultimately contributes to greater success. The frequency of follow-up appointments is scheduled to suit the client’s preference. The duration of all follow-up appointments is 20 minutes.
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