Reviews of Gtp Like Designs - Roodepoort

Here you will find reviews about Gtp Like Designs. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
12 Reviews
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People wrote me off and GTP LIKE DESIGNS gave me hope by giving me financial life back.
Telling the truth I went around so many times looking for people who could help me repair my broken credit life, along the way I was scammed by many saying they will lift problems that I had and I will qualify I believed that nonsense too yaaane and people took my money. Having true friends helps, my friend referred me to GTP LIKED DESIGNS after three months I was cleared and happy look at me down there on my photos a proud husband, son, brother and neighbor because of GTP LIKE DESIGNS. December by so quick for me in my brand new car 2021-2022 model "STORY SA KAJENO LOL"

I am so happy this December happy holy days to all.
This people have assisted me a lot and right now I can apply for credit after a long time of struggling I am free from declines from Banks and Retail Store.
They have done this in thirty days that makes it incredible for me in this short space of time they have changed my life I thank them a lot.
How I thank GTP LIKE DESIGNS they helped me start my business.
I was list and couldn't get anything every were so my sister referred me this company for clearance and she told how they helped her their good in clearance and getting a person approved in a short space of time. So I said to her I was scammed many times and I nothing to loose she laughed at and said I take you to their office when you free. The following weekend she took me to their offices and when we get there we were assisted by a very nice gentlemen who very precise in his explanation and told me after his studied my investigative reports he will tell me exactly tell me how long and how much the process will take, and I told my sister that this people will take forever she laughed at me saying wait and see. We went to their offices on the 16th of October it was on the 18th when I got a call from the same gentlemen telling me the price and the time frame, saying in after one month I'll be fine and credit worthy and truly didn't believe him because I went to most places for one and half year getting promises which never happened. Today I am happy to tell every one that this company works I got a lot of money(R350 000) to start my small chicken farm and to get by in life. I thank GTP LIKE DESIGNS for their help.
I was helped with my financial miss management.
I started with one account then I had six mostly loans and two credit card I then started to default because I couldn't afford my life. GTP LIKE DESIGNS helped me by talking to every organisation I owed that I will be settling them and negotiated on my behalf then one by one they I started to pay my accounts off and I'm financially free from debt now.
I am a small business man who was and still assisted by GTP LIKE DESIGNS.
GTP LIKE DESIGNS take care of my personal and Business ITC profile reason being that every time I have to apply for credit I would always be declined because arrears which were reported wrong by different institute so GTP LIKE DESIGNS makes that I qualify all ways is great them in my life.
GTP LIKE DESIGNS just got me my first car yes!!!
I am so happy this guys did it again the just got my first car this week on wednesday and so happy yes!I am.I never owned a car before so this this time I do is all because of GTP LIKE DESIGNS and they tough everything about credit and how to behave and make decisions that help me keep my credit life on point.
I was taken out of Debt-Review after struggling with it for two years having certificate.
I paid all of my debt trough the debt-review yet even after paying my debt off having a certificate I was still declined by bank for two yeas in all I was referred by my friend to GTP LIKE DESIGNS and by end of the month we met I qualified I so happy it felt like long awaited victory.
I have a House and a car taken out of the debt-review and judgment thanks to GTP LIKE DESIGNS.
I had a problem and with my accounts they were in arrears and went to a debt-review so they couldn't help me because I thought the were going to consolidate my debt they didn't they required money from me and reduced my instalments. I ended up not paying I was in Judgment,Default and in debt review this people help me and I have a Car and a House build from the ground up.

Most of times we don't know what to against being listed by big organisations.
I was listed by a debt collecting company and after it close shop yet I was still listed and again I had another account I was paying yet in Bureaus the company reported that I was not paying for eleven months.I saw all of this when I was going to apply for a loan so I didn't know what to do I tried most companies who are dealing with ITC Clearance yet still they failed to assist me and I was spending money and got no help.A friend of mine referred me to GTP LIKE DESIGNS and assisted me very quick making my problem an easy job I loved when I was talking to their financial special list he told they will be done in three months and five weeks after I got the call from the same gentleman saying we are done with your problem if you don't believe got get credit from any credit provider of your choose after dropping the call I went to Nedbank were I was declined and to the same consulted and I was approved for a credit card which I was previously declined for this guys work every one I mean this company can assist you too try them.
I was indebted my brother took to the financial planner of GTP LIKE DESIGNS and I went.
I still can't believe that I have my credit life back after being in judgemets and advers lol,I remember well that the guy was talking to me concerning my credit life what caught my attention in that conversation was that they are not debtreview people nor are going to consolidate overlong term and I said what! and he said seriously looking at my credit report they will be done in three months,and he told me that when they are done with me I have the choice to payback their money in instalmets or I can take a big loan pay them and have the remaining amount and live my life paying that one loan.Guess what option I took lol of the BIG BIG LOAN now I'm living my life happy again THANKS GTP LIKE DESIGNS

12 results