Reviews of YogaJo - Johannesburg

Here you will find reviews about YogaJo. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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Professional, be prepared to be challenged.
Jo challenges proficient and beginners doing yoga. She is creative in every class. Jo herself is an excellent example to aspire to as not only is she is extremely supple but knowledgeable on the topic.Most enjoyable participating at Yoga Jo's.
Professional you are too and its hard to challenge someone so fantastic like you!! Thank you for your support!
Love Every Lesson
For both advanced and beginner students, Jo creates an interesting, diverse and inclusive classroom. Each week is the start of a different new and exciting journey. She's an incredible teacher and really deepens your understanding of each pose and flow. Love every lesson
Thank you so much! You are a blessing to teach and to have in my space!