Reviews of Rushaan Toefy Financial Services - Cape Town

Here you will find reviews about Rushaan Toefy Financial Services. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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I'm an enterpreneur who has entered the market just a few years ago. While all was going smoothly, I encountered serious problems when it came to meeting regulatory guidelines, which resulted in my conmpany's registration geting stalled. That is when I stumbled upon Rushaan Toefy Fianancial Services. They seemed a godsend solution for what I was going through. Not only did they help me out in meeting regulation guidelines, but their compliance certificate got my firm registered in a jiffy!
Our newly formed company had been pending registration for a very long time since we had not been able to get the requisite inspection and certifiation done at a cost that fit our budget. Luckily I found Rushaan Toefy Financial Services Ltd. which performed the job efficiently and within a very short amount of time, at a budget-friendly cost. Thank you RTFS.