Review Bad installation by CTM Tile Installer

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CTM Head Office

Bad installation by CTM Tile Installer
Our property was built in the early 1900’s. We needed to put in new water pipes and thus the bathroom needed to be redone completely. Since we purchased tiles from CTM we decided to have a CTM Installer come and install the new tiles. What a disappointment! The gentleman (Charles) who came to quote insured us that the person that does mosaic tiles for him is most experienced and if we were not happy we could take it to CTM. The final product was quite a disappointment – visually it looked like it was done by an amateur. The edges of the mosaic tiles around the shower are so sharp they are bound to cut one if you dare to stand against it. Since I got no response from Charles after the grout/tiles needed to set and dry, I almost wanted to close my bathroom door and never make use of the room... Unfortunately our house only has one inside bathroom - I had no other choice but to continue the renovations. After a lengthy time of not being able to use the shower we had a shower custom made and while busy with that we discovered to our dismay that the tile work done on the shower is actually pathetic. Not only the aesthetics but the work under the surface also is questionable. This shower has NEVER been used and tiles are coming loose and chipping...It seems that the grout was not mixed according to the directions given on the bag. In fact the tile work is so bad there are empty spaces under the tiles. I contacted the Service Provider (GeoOp – Mobile Workforce Management) and asked that they please set up an appointment to have an Assessor come and assess the tile work done. They sent Charles... Charles persists that the person whom he brought to our property to do this tile work “is well experienced and has worked for him for a long time.” Charles did not want to put his assessment in writing and tells me that the tile job “looks like this due to skew walls”... I urgently want CTM to look at the photos and send an Assessor that is prepared to do an objective assessment. According to Charles he “is prepared to fix the corner of the shower floor” (were the hole is) and if other weak/bad places become visible, I “can call him to come and fix those problems as they arise.” This is not acceptable! CTM please send an Assessor so that the grout consistency as well as tile workmanship of this specific Installer can be investigated.

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