
About the product
Based in Pretoria & East Rand - Fuelenergizer South Africa is the Manufacturer and sole Distributor of the revolutionary fuel saving product Fuelenergizer.

Practical tests followed until October 2008 and a sample of Fuelenergizer mixed with local fuel was tested by the SABS and the final conclusion of the test conducted by the SABS stipulates – “The sample complies with the requirements of specification SANS 342 in respect of tests carried out” which confirms that Fuelenergizer complies with all the specifications stipulated in SANS 342:2006 edition 4.

Independent tests were done on instructions of Komatsu South Africa by Business Enterprises at University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd in their Tribology Laboratory. Completed test result confirms that Fuelenergizer is within the SANS 342 diesel specifications, HFFR wear scar is less whilst CR ratings are unchanged.

CO2 emission tests was done by a reputable institution with Fuelenergizer show results that reduces the harmful CO exhaust emissions gasses of a vehicle with up to 8.56%.
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