Here you will find reviews about CHAMPIONS EDUCATION TUTOR CENTRE. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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This school is a waste of money
This school was a big disappointment and waste of money
We put our 3 kids in this school and got promised the world only to find out a year later that our kids are falling behind.
Our gr1 could not even read one word and the school we then put him in informed us that they believed this school lied on his report as he could not do the things that was marked on his report from champions and that he will have to do gr1 over again.
Our gr6 got given the answers to the test and just had to learn all the test answers like a parrot and now he can’t cope in gr 6 because he was not taught properly and will most likely have to do his gr6 over and our gr10 was not taught at all and had to figure out everything by himself.

This school is a money making scheme do not fall for it!!!
Well it is Mr Brown here, just remember we will protect ,our tutors ,and our company name, so we have will take this to our attorneys, if I do remember you had to remove the other remark from another site, I will be checking sites and as I find you are the only one with, a big problem with us, this is slander and will need to be removed, you your self know what actually happens when you do not explain the actual case in why you left Champions. Please remove this it is slander, and if i had to insert the real story of your actual case that we have currently filed at our financial department, and students that have helped your children out. Please think before you do things, I hope you and your partner thought clearly before posting the This school is a waste of money.
slander please remove as we know the why you left, and you do to.