Reviews of Haz Appliances - Cape Town

Here you will find reviews about Haz Appliances. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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I have a HAZ blender that was gifted to my mum almost 30 years ago. We use it at least 3 to 4 times a month. It still works and gives us excellent service. I would recommend this product to anyone
In 1990 I bought a HAZ fan. Today, 27 years later it is still going strong, not even a rattle. Will upload a pic soon. No nt one days problem with this product. I have 3 fans in the house, the other 2 is new, because they break every 2 years and have to be replaced often, but the HAZ fan is still the only reliable fan in the house. The oldest appliance in my house, but the most reliable product