Reviews of Dr John Constantinides - Pretoria

Here you will find reviews about Dr John Constantinides. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
4 Reviews
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Best Gynaecologist
Dr. Constantinides has excellent bedside manners and is just an overall nice guy.
I have been going to him since I was pregnant with my son and he’s 19 years old this year.
I would never consider changing Doctors
Great doctor, but used him since fell under my medical but was not able to claim
Doctor was great, but admin lady failed to send the bill within time so I could claim from my medical. My medical rules are anything submitted 4 months later you cannot claim, leaving me responsible to pay full account from own finances. Such a pity since I was expecting medical to pay
Regardless, do recommend the Doctor!
Just want to say thank you to this doctor went to a few gynecologist , could not get a diagnosed as what I had was rare , he not only saved my life but helped me to fall pregnant, best doctor ever. Wish I could duplicate him into all the other fields. You can trust your life in his hands. Thank you doctor
Tjo.....I would recommend any woman who is struggling to fall pregnant, to visit Dr John Constantinides....even if you are already pregnant...this is our fourth pregnancy, and we have been treated the same since our first get personal treatment, you feel like family.

Thank you Doctor!!!