Reviews of Redcross Women Clinic - Pretoria

Here you will find reviews about Redcross Women Clinic. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
3 Reviews
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A very close friend of mine referred me to Tshwane women clinic and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The staff and atmosphere is extremely impressive, to say the least. They made the process as smooth and comfortable as possible. I called early in the morning and got an Appointment the same day.

It is not like any other clinic in the city, the whole process took less the two hours and the staff made sure I was as comfortable as possible. I had a friend with me the whole time, but if you are going alone I promise you will be immediately impressed. They talked me threw the whole process and was ready to answer any and every question I had. I am a profession dancer, my body is my career, and I was able to exercise and dance the very same day.
Everyone was very professional and courteous. Thank you for making my first and last termination comfortable for me.
My wife and I have been through quite a bit in our relationship: 2 wounderful girls, a stillborn boy at 38 weeks gestation, and a pregnancy that was terminated at 18 weeks because of a trisomy chromosomal abnormality. Thus, we have experienced quite a number of medcal providers and situations in the field of reproductive medicine. Having a pregnancy ended is always a difficult decision, but this is the first time that I felt that my wife was treated humanely.
The process was efficient, but not rushed, and the staff is warm, compassionate, and supportive. It was a very private and safe experience, which is exactly what is should be. Cudos to Tshwane women clinic...